What does teaching mean to you?

Support our Teach the Future recruitment campaign by telling your community what teaching means to you.

Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 10:00 pm
What does teaching mean to you

Through the Teach the Future campaign, the department has been busy promoting the opportunities available in teaching careers in Victoria and we hope current teachers will lend their voice to the cause.

Teaching is so much more than the perceptions some people have, so we’re starting a conversation to challenge these perceptions.

We’ve produced resources to help you to share your thoughts and join the conversation on your own social media channels.

The aim of the campaign is to explore your role as a teacher and how you impact the lives of your students, because we know that teachers around Victoria don’t just teach. You are educators and role models. You build inclusive environments and communities where students feel a sense of belonging to better hone their critical thinking skills, resilience and creativity.

By sharing your sense of purpose with your school community, we hope to inspire Victorians to think about what teaching looks like in 2024 and into the future.

Resources to help

Among the resources available to support you to share your thoughts, we invite you to use:

  • customisable social tiles so you can tell your networks what teaching means to you
  • an email banner you can put in your email signature to continue the conversation with your school community
  • a poster to print and display around your school community, such as on notice boards and in communal areas
  • template text to help you with your school communications. This text can be adapted, but we encourage you to include what teaching means to your community.

Find out more

For further enquiries, contact Adam McCrow, senior communications strategist, Communications Division by email: adam.mccrow@education.vic.gov.au
