Information for partner schools

Partner schools are mainstream schools that request support through their region and are matched with an IOC.

Partner schools are mainstream schools that request support through their region and are matched with an IOC if the region determines they will benefit from that particular support.

IOCs work with partner schools for a defined period (usually up to two terms), focusing on support tailored to the school’s needs. IOCs support up to 3 partner schools at any time, through a mix of onsite and remote support.

IOCs use school-specific data and a structured problem-solving process to help schools assess where they can focus their action to achieve an identified goal. This is documented in a Partnership Agreement, which supports schools to plan and implement actions to achieve their goal.

IOCs can assist schools to set up Tier 1 preventative schoolwide systems, practices and data-evidenced approaches so they can sustain and strengthen their inclusive practices over time. Schools are encouraged to align this work with their improvement planning processes, such as their School Strategic Plans (SSPs) or Annual Implementation Plans (AIPs).

IOCs do not work directly with students or provide individual student support as the IOC focus is on school-wide capability-building processes and systems.

Examples of IOC work

For an example of IOC work in a partner school, see:


Benefits of Inclusion Outreach Coaching – Eaglehawk Primary School


Lilydale Heights College

Marong Primary School

Trafalgar Primary School

What is required of partner schools?

There are some requirements of partner schools to ensure the IOC engagement is set up for success.

Partner schools need to:

  • Include IOCs in a team of school leaders and inclusion educators responsible for implementing the actions in the Partnership Agreement.
  • Make staff available to participate in the engagement.
  • Provide data to inform the goal-setting, monitoring and evaluation process (Partnership Agreement and beyond).
  • Secure principal and school leadership’s engagement and commitment (goal development and signing of Partnership Agreement).
  • Participate in data collection after the IOC engagement (completing surveys and participating in the external evaluation.

Partnership Agreements

A Partnership Agreement is signed between the principal and the IOC, outlining:

  • The goal for the partnership.
  • The evidence-based strategies or actions that the school will undertake towards achieving the goal.
  • Success indicators (what the school expects to see and to measure progress).

How the school can sustain and grow the work beyond the IOC’s engagement in the school.
