A woman and a teenage girl sit at a table with a laptop.

My Career Insights

Participating students use Morrisby to drive career planning by identifying their strengths, interests and opportunities.

My Career Insights builds self-understanding and facilitates career exploration, so students can make informed decisions about their school subjects, post-school pathway and career goals.

The program gives students access to Morrisby, a globally leading career-matching tool, customised to suit Victorian young people. This means it can help students choose VCE subjects, including the VCE Vocational Major and VET. It also outlines pathways into TAFE, university, apprenticeships and traineeships.

The program is delivered in 3 phases:

  1. Discover: students answer questions on the Morrisby website, creating a profile that summarises their values, preferences, skills and strengths
  2. Develop: an independent career consultant meets with the student to explain and discuss their Morrisby profile
  3. Drive: students explore their Morrisby profile, using it to inform their decisions and develop or update their career action plan.

In 2023, 86% of government school students in Year 9 completed a Morrisby profile through My Career Insights.

Participation in My Career Insights

The Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) delivers My Career Insights, and will work with your school to give every student the opportunity to participate. ACCE will contact your school early in the year.

In mainstream schools, students participate in Year 9. In specialist schools, ACCE will deliver a modified version of the program to students aged 15 or older.

Students can access their Morrisby through the rest of their schooling, and beyond. As they develop new strengths, interests and goals, they can update their Morrisby profile to get relevant study and career suggestions.

For more information and to contact the My Career Insights program support team, visit the ACCE website.

Engaging with parents and carers

Participation in the full My Career Insights program requires parental consent. ACCE will provide a consent form.

When seeking consent, include one of these fliers with your request:

You can also include a link to the My Career Insights webpage for parents in your communication.

There are 3 possible outcomes when seeking parent consent for My Career Insights:

  • Opt-in: The parent provides consent for full participation
  • No response: The student can access Morrisby Careers, a simpler version that does not include diagnostic testing. The student can still meet with a career consultant
  • Opt-out: The student cannot access Morrisby or meet with a career consultant.

You can share the young person’s Morrisby profile with their parents or carers, providing useful information for supportive career conversations at home.

If they are available at the scheduled time, parents and carers are welcome to attend their young person’s meeting with a career consultant.

Career consultant visits

Student discussions with a professional career consultant can be in-person or online.

ACCE makes sure that all consultants delivering this service hold a Working With Children Check and meet all relevant insurance requirements. This means that your school is not required to undertake its own due diligence checks on these consultants.

Treat consultants delivering My Career Insights in-person as visitors entering the school premises. When the consultant arrives, follow your school’s check-in procedure and provide an orientation that includes where to find key amenities, rooms available for student discussions, and what to do if a fire alarm goes off.

For more information about requirements for visitors, see:

Connecting with other key activities

After participating in My Career Insights, students can use the information in Morrisby when creating or updating their career action plan, helping them make informed decisions about goals.

Morrisby will suggest possible careers that a student may like to explore further through work-based learning, such as work experience.

Morrisby profiles are highly valuable resources for career counselling. You can use the information about a student’s strengths, preferences and interests to help identify potential careers and pathways.
